Let the journey commence (Part 2 of 2)

(Thanks for tuning in to Part 2 of 2 our this journal blog as we continue down the road to adoption). 

3.  Surround Yourself With People Who Encourage and Support You

When I was told to “surround yourself with people who encourage and support you” from an adoption agency AND through adoption training (which we’ll cover in a blog in the near future), I was a little stifled as it never occurred to me that people would Continue reading

Thanks for stopping by…

You have stumbled upon not only a new blog but a new adventure for us.  We’re John and Brian, and we are starting the adoption process to adopt a child…(maybe children).  Please stick with us as you we tell you about each step we take, our thoughts, feelings and things-we’d-do-differently (don’t worry, we all have them).  The journey has just begun!!  If you have questions for us throughout the process, please feel free to let us know!  This is new for us as well so if you have any suggestions, we’re open to them!

Thanks again for stopping by and can’t wait to share our next journey!